Sunday, February 6, 2022



My new novel, entitled Girl Obsessed, was released last week.  It is a psychological thriller that delves into the make-up of relationships.   When does self-interest become manipulation? When does passion become obsession?

The story is that of a defense attorney, Sam Paris, who, when seeking to exonerate his client of murder, enlists the aid of Dr. Shannon Clark. Clark is a noted psychiatrist who has written a book about oxytocin, a hormone associated with mothers and the bonds they form with their newborns.  The doctor claims that in some instances, oxytocin, sometimes referred to as "the love-glue" or the "cuddle chemical," can cause a woman to become obsessively and possibly dangerously attached to her partner.  As Sam's relationship with Shannon grows, he comes to believe that she has disturbing issues of her own and may, in fact, be more dangerous than the woman he is defending. 

Girl Obsessed turns in several directions, but at the core, the question remains:

Can a mere hormone drive a woman to commit murder?

I invite you to find out for yourself.

Girl Obsessed (Black Opal Books)

For those of you interested in my interview with The Big Thrill magazine about the book, here is the link:

Hope you enjoy the read, and if you do, I'd appreciate a positive review😊